April is National Financial Literacy Month, and we at Highpoint Advisors want to share a few pieces of information that may not be right in front of our faces in our day to day lives.
This month is “a great time to remind consumers of the importance of taking charge of their personal financial well-being. Among the important aspects, American consumers should know is what to do if contacted by a debt collector about a delinquent or defaulted account. While no one really wants to get a call or letter telling them they owe money, consumers need to know they are not alone,” ACA International CEO Pat Morris said. “Each year, for many very legitimate and often unavoidable reasons, millions of consumers fall behind on payments and are contacted by a debt collector.” This article can be found at http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/a-reminder-for-consumers—april-is-national-financial-literacy-month-201042351.html
Additionally, “as Financial Literacy month kicks off, most people are thinking about taxes or are concerned about recent investments. One couple believes you should bring your financial thinking closer to home. All to often as adults we focus on how we will make it to retirement or pay for our kids’ college. It’s time that we started focusing on educating our children so they don’t make the same financial mistakes we did,” says Bret Shroyer. “The truth is this: schools aren’t going to teach your kids how to manage money. The best you can hope for is that your kids will learn in school how to identify and count money, and make correct change. This will minimally qualify them for a job at McDonalds someday.” This article can be found at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/4/prweb10588083.htm
We hope these short articles are helpful, and if any questions come up then please call our office for more discussion.